Spatial analyses in the research in quality of life in cities
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quality of life
quality of urban space
subjective welfare
participatory systems of geographic information

How to Cite

Czepkiewicz, M., & Jankowski, P. (2015). Spatial analyses in the research in quality of life in cities. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(1), 101–117.

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Improving quality of life has always been an important goal of individuals and communities. In recent years, this objective is particularly important for cities in the context of urbanization and the migrations of urban residents to the outskirts of metropolitan areas. The authors call for the extension of the traditionally used social and economic indicators with the evaluations and
perceptions of individuals, and a wider use of geographical research methods. The article presents the theoretical basis and new methods of measuring the subjective quality of life satisfaction, and quality assessment of urban space. Characteristics of the urban environment affecting activities and perceptions of the quality of life of the inhabitants are discussed. The authors propose possible areas of application of the methods presented in city management, urban planning, and regeneration, and formulate recommendations for the cities.
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National Science Centre

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Sendzimir Foundation

the project "Count on green" co-financed by Switzerland


the "Unikatowy Absolwent=Możliwości" programme

Polish-American Fulbright Commission


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