Strategic management of local (gmina) development
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urban commune
local development
development management methods
strategic-marketing management
localization potential
urban commune attractiveness and competiveness
synergy effect

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Ziółkowski, M. (2015). Strategic management of local (gmina) development. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(1), 145–163.

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The article presents the essential features of strategic-marketing management as a basis for the effective and efficient control of the processes of local (gmina) government development, and in consequence the best way of satisfying the collective needs of inhabitants. The author indicates the role of local government in the regulation, creation and stimulation of local development and moreover the need for a complex approach to local development problems. The evolution of the approach
to local development management in Polish local (gmina) authority areas is also presented. Against this background the paper presents the essence, concepts, elementary features and successive stages of the management of strategic-marketing development in local authority areas.

Outcomes of the analysis show that achieving success in activities for local government development depends significantly on the efficient and effective use of management methods. One of these methods, according to the author, is the strategic-marketing method. As a result of this approach the synergy effect should be generated, that is an effect of value added beyond the simple sum of results obtained as a consequence of complementary management methods. This approach shows that priorities, goals and implementation tasks are determined comprehensively, honestly and are compatible with a realistic possibility of execution and financing. In consequence the effectiveness of implementation activities is an enhanced, which translates into a higher level of satisfaction of the collective needs of the inhabitants, increase in the attractiveness of the location, an improvement of its image and increasing competitiveness of the urban communes in the surrounding area.
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