The model of cohesion development of metropolitan areas
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territorially oriented development policy
metropolitan areas
inter-municipal cooperation

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Nowak, J. F. (2015). The model of cohesion development of metropolitan areas. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(1), 165–180.

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he development of various forms of cooperation. Particular attention has been devoted to the recognition and presentation of institutional forms of cooperation in emerging metropolitan functional areas.

The results of a research in the development of forms of cohesion in the Poznań agglomeration are shown in the context of the current European territorially oriented development policy that emphasizes supporting the development of functional areas. Special attention is paid to the policy
to deal with the challenges arising from increasing functional connections in metropolitan areas. Current activities in the Polish emerging functional metropolitan areas are discussed in light of the currently emerging Polish territorial based policy. The paper draws special attention to the strengthening of cooperation between local authorities and cooperation with other sectors of the functional areas with special emphasis on metropolitan areas.

The result of the research presented in the paper is the proposal to build a model of cohesion in metropolitan areas. The model takes into account the recommendations of European and Polish policy, the changing national legislative framework and local conditions and experience.
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