Spatial differences in the revenues of communes from the agricultural tax
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agricultural tax
revenues of communes
spatial differences

How to Cite

Motek, P. (2018). Spatial differences in the revenues of communes from the agricultural tax. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (14), 43–56. Retrieved from


The article presents a legal characterisation of the agricultural tax and spatial differences in the revenues of communes on this head over the years 2000–2008 in Poland. The agricultural tax is a type of property tax imposed on agricultural land. In 2000 the revenue of communes from the agricultural tax amounted to 0.7 billion zlotys (19 zlotys per capita), to climb to 1.2 billion (32 zlotys per capita) in 2008. This accounted for about 2% of the budgetary revenues of communes.

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