The experience of many highly developed countries prove that the so-called new social movements could play an important role of publicizing issues that are critical to improved the lives of neighborhoods, cities and even regions. In Polish conditions, these movements could have a significant impact on building local democracy, especially during period of declined confidence in the party and disintegration of political structures. Increasingly, the activity of local communities visible in social movements (e.g. urban movements) is a significant contribution to building social capital, but this does not translate into a change in the directions of local development, which are determining by political preferences not local, but of a national nature. The share of social movements in the processes of co-management of local government units, especially in cities, is increasing. However, an important barrier in their operation is the lack of ability to building political capital, which is the basis for making changes in the social and political environment. The article presents the factors determining the level of political capital, the properties of new social movements, and the importance of their values and goals, structure, methods of action, awareness of participants and existing institutional and legal solutions for the possibility of achieving practical outcomes (better community life) as well as symbolic values (deepening democracy).
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