Urban layout of small towns in eastern Greater Poland. Analysis of changes in the context of space syntax theory
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Greater Poland
small town
space syntax

How to Cite

Lamprecht, M. (2020). Urban layout of small towns in eastern Greater Poland. Analysis of changes in the context of space syntax theory. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (52), 59–79. https://doi.org/10.14746/rrpr.2020.52.05


The article contains the results of research on the spatial configuration of small towns in eastern Greater Poland. The research process and conclusions are based on the theory and tools of space syntax. The studies conducted in this field so far indicate that the approach typical of space syntax introduces significant threads in the studies on the functioning of urban societies. The connections between the configurational properties of space and pedestrian traffic, spatial segregation of residents, the location of businesses as well as the level of economic activities have been confirmed. This approach to the morphology of urban estates is relatively rare in the Polish arena. This article constitutes an attempt at filling this gap. It focuses on the spatial configuration of the smallest towns in eastern Greater Poland and attempts to assess the changes that occurred in their plans in the last 100 years in light of integration, one of the key measures of space syntax. Analyses have shown that there have been crucial changes to the studied towns in the analysed period of time. The layouts of almost all centres have developed, regardless of the changes to population level. The scale of spatial changes is connected to the demographic condition, especially in the towns which increased their population potential.

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