The aim of the article is an attempt to compare the results between two methods identyfying types of agriculture. These methods use different sets of diagnostic features. The first method was developed by J. Kostrowicki with R. Szczęsny and its team at the Department of Agricultural Geography of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The result of this team’s research was the development of the first typology of Polish agriculture, which was published in the form of a map in the National Atlas of Poland in the 1970s (Kostrowicki, Szczęsny 1978). It was based on 20 diagnostic features which were described in a five-degree scale. At that time, 13 main types of individual farming and 4 types of collectived agriculture were identyfied. The second typology of agriculture is the result of research by the authors of this study (Głębocki et al. 2019). They used 69 diagnostic features and 20 types of agriculture in Poland were identified. Kostrowicki and Szczęsny (1978) found 5 types of agriculture in the area covered by the contemporary borders of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship. In 2010, 9 types of agriculture were identified. After 40 years, there are significant similarities between spatial distributions of the types representing the two compared typologies of agriculture. However, there are large differences in the research methodology and the availability of statistical sources. Both typologies confirmed the importance of historical conditions in the spatial distribution of the types of agriculture distinguished. The former Prussian-Russian border is still clearly visible in the spatial distribution of types, and the eastern part of the voivodeship is still characterized by agriculture with a lower level of development. It should be remembered that both typologies differ from each other the number of diagnostic features and the size of reference units. Additionally, Kostrowicki and Szczęsny (1978) defined types for individual farming, while the authors of this article found types for the whole agriculture The method used by the authors, due to the possibility of using a very large number of diagnostic features, is universal and can be used in various regions.
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