Tourism in strategic documents of rural communes in wielkopolskie voivodeship
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local development strategy
rural areas

How to Cite

Nowicka, K. (2020). Tourism in strategic documents of rural communes in wielkopolskie voivodeship. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (52), 249–264.


The main objective of this study is to find out how tourism is perceived by local authorities of rural communes in wielkopolskie voivodeship and to what extend its development is deliberately planned in their strategic documents. In order to achieve this objective, the author analysed actual strategic documents issued by rural communes using computer and context analysis methods. The author analysed more than 7500 pages in total (80 full documents). Special attention was paid to two selected sections of the documents which are strategic and operational objectives as well as the SWOT analysis. The selected sections were analysed in the context of tourism development. Moreover, the analysis allowed to indicate if the documents are sufficient tools of tourism development planning. The study showed that most of the analysed materials cannot be perceived as effective tools of tourism development planning. The main drawbacks of these documents include extremely high level of generality, not mentioning particular places of development projects implementation and lack of appreciation and understanding of cooperation and networking. However, there is one essential trend in planning that should be emphasized: more and more regions turn to active and short-term
tourism. These forms can be successfully implemented in regions with no obvious tourist potential
and reinvigorate their socio-economic growth.
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