The impact of the direction of production of farms in the regions of Wielkopolska and Silesia on general economic costs
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analysis of variance

How to Cite

Kubala, S. (2022). The impact of the direction of production of farms in the regions of Wielkopolska and Silesia on general economic costs. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (62), 151–161.


The main goal of the study was to examine the relationship between the direction of production of farms in the Wielkopolska-Silesia region and individual types of general economic costs incurred by them. In addition, the research results achieved are intended to indicate how the production direction of farms in the Wielkopolska-Silesia region affects the overall economic costs related to the operation of these farms. The study covered the regions of Wielkopolska and Silesia. The years 2005–2020 were assumed as the research period. To illustrate the directions of production, the data relating to the types of farming identified in the FADN database were used. Due to the limitations of statistical data, the type of farms was omitted: vineyards. The research focuses on 4 types of general economic costs related to the conducted production activity and which are part of the FADN system variable SE336. These include: machinery and building current costs (A), energy (B), contracts work (C), other costs (D). The research goal was achieved with the use of the one-way ANOVA variance. The conducted research allowed to observe that the most frequent differences in incurring particular types of general economic costs occur between the type of fieldcrops, horticulture and permanent crops, and the types of farms focused on livestock production. Relatively few differences can be observed in the case of farms targeting the same food source In the structure by type of costs, the highest level can be observed in the case of farms focused on the production of granivores, milk, and horticulture (except for contracts work costs), and the lowest in the case of other grazing livestock and permanent crops.
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Publikacja została sfinansowana z subwencji przyznanej Uniwersytetowi Ekonomicznemu w Krakowie – projekt nr 77/EER/2022/POT.


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