The aim of this study is to assess changes in the area of availability and quality of housing resources of the development potential of urban municipalities of the Wielkopolska voivodeship in a 5-year perspective. The evaluation of changes and comparisons in the area of accessibility and quality of housing resources were made by drawing up author’s rankings of urban municipalities using the procedures of the MULTIMOORA multi-criteria decision-making method. Sets of indicators of the Local Development Monitor were used as comparison criteria, supplemented by the author’s selection of real estate market parameters concerning the availability of real estate consulting and management services. A total of 19 urban municipalities were analyzed for 17 indicators relating to the assessment of factors determining the situation in the study area for two periods (2015 and 2020). A total of 646 observations were collected. As a result, two author’s rankings of urban municipalities of Wielkopolska voivodeship were obtained, allowing to assess changes. Some of the main findings of the presented study are: the analysis of the ranking of urban municipalities in the Wielkopolska voivodeship indicates that the vast majority of them have made changes in the availability and quality of housing resources (of the 19 urban municipalities, only in the case of 6 there was a worsening of the ranking position); the leading group of municipalities, i.e., belongs to units functionally classified to group E.
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