Monitoring is an integral part of the management of revitalisation programmes. The importance of monitoring is emphasised both in the literature and in strategic documents at the central and regional level. Also, the provisions of revitalisation programmes emphasise the key role of monitoring for effective management of the programme implementation process. Numerous studies and reports, however, indicate that municipalities shy away from carrying it out. Documents developed at the central level do contain guidelines on conducting monitoring and evaluation, but they are of a rather general nature. In some voivodships regional guidelines were established for carrying out revitalisation under the Regional Operational Programmes, which also refer to the monitoring system. The most detailed rules were adopted in the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship (Ciesiółka 2019, p. 27). The guidelines oblige local governments to monitor the effects of revitalisation programmes. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the obligation to monitor revitalisation programmes, as well as on the scope of data collected for this purpose and the possibility of their use at the regional level. The paper uses a desk-based data analysis, a case study method and an e-mail interview.
The article begins with an introduction. Part two presents the current legal and strategic regulations for monitoring revitalisation at the local level. The third part describes methods used in this article. Part four reviews the regional principles for revitalisation programming. The fifth part presents an in-depth characterisation of the monitoring system adopted in the Wielkopolskie voivodship. Part six includes recommendations in relation to the analysed system. The article concludes with a summary.
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