In the literature on the subject, there are a number of terms that refer to broadly understood natural structures. The question arises whether the transposition of these concepts into planning and strategic documents is conducive to the integration and cohesion of spatial planning as well as landscape continuity and compactness of the natural structure in a given area. The aim of the study is to formulate the concept of integrating the ecological structure of the landscape of the Września commune. In order to achieve the adopted goal, an inventory of natural structures and elements of technical infrastructure was carried out. In addition, local and supra-local planning and strategic pro[1]visions were verified in the context of natural structures for the Września commune. For this purpose, the index of vertical and horizontal integration of planning and strategic provisions was determined and calculated. The research showed an average level of integration of the commune’s planning documents. The highest integration of documents was recorded at the local level. In the natural system of the commune, various forms of greenery and barriers in the form of technical infrastructure have been noted and few natural areas in the commune have been significantly fragmented. It may be the result of an unintegrated spatial planning process. The analysis of keywords divided into two functional groups showed a greater share of key words referring to the shaping of natural structures than to their forms themselves, which may prove attempts to integrate them. The most frequently appearing key word among those analyzed was the term “sustainable development”. The concept of “green infrastructure” and “ecosystem services” was rarely discussed. It is worth noting that these concepts are currently strongly promoted in European policy, and the lack of their transposition at the national level may prove the lack of integration of the analyzed documents with strategies at the EU level. The multifunctionality of green infrastructure was adopted as the basic criterion of the proposed concept and the following directions of action were proposed: improving the functioning of ecosystems and promoting ecosystem services, promoting welfare and social health, as well as supporting the development of ecological economy and sustainable land and water management
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