New or significantly improved products and business processes represent one of the crucial foundations for building a competitive advantage of enterprises, countries and their regions. In this perspective, it becomes important not only to identify factors supporting and strengthening innovative processes, but also those which limit such activities. The presented article addresses the essence of barriers to innovation activity and their division by characterizing, e.g., the obstacles: revealed and dissuasive, internal and external as well as cost related, referring to knowledge, market and also institutional. The empirical research was focused on identifying major innovation limitations in enterprises located in Wielkopolskie Voivodeship, along with determining possible differences in the perception of obstacles to innovation among industrial and service entities from the perspective of 2019 and 2021. In the opinion of entrepreneurs from the Wielkopolska region, the fundamental limitations to innovation are generated by cost factors (too high costs of innovation activity, difficulties in obtaining grants and public subsidies, no possibility to finance innovation from internal and external sources), related to knowledge (shortage of employees presenting appropriate skills) and market factors (too much competition on the market). These barriers are experienced with diverse intensity, more often in industry than in services, and their negative impact – despite positive deviations 2021/2019 – has not been weakened to a satisfactory level. In the light of the obtained research results, it seems reasonable to take actions aimed at: increasing the availability of diversified sources for financing innovation processes, educating competent staff, supporting enterprises from Wielkopolskie Voivodeship in building their competitive position.
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