The aim of the article is to diagnose the level of human capital in rural areas of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship and their delimitation in terms of the internal structure of human capital and to assess the links between its spatial distribution and socio-economic situation. The research problems were described in the form of the following research questions What is the level of human capital in rural areas of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship compared to rural areas in other regions of Poland? What types of rural areas exist in Wielkopolskie Voivodeship on the basis of the internal structure of human capital? Is there, and if so, what are the links between the level and spatial distribution of human capital and the socio-economic situation of individual rural areas in Wielkopolskie Voivodeship? The study adopted a broad definition of human capital, expressing its essence in five components of its structure, i.e.: innovation, health, labour market, education and social welfare. A taxonomic method of hierarchisation (standardless) and classification of multi-feature objects was used, as a result of which each unit was assigned a synthetic measure expressing the general level of human capital (WSKL). In order to construct the general index of human capital (WSKL), average annual data from 2015–2018 were used, the sources of which included the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office (BDL GUS), the District Examination Boards (OKE), the Ministry of Finance (MF), the Ministry of Family and Social Policy (MRiPS), and the Institute for Rural Development and Agriculture. In order to express the socio-economic situation of rural areas, the indicator of the level of socio-economic development according to the methodology of the Monitoring of Rural Development in Poland (2014 and 2022) was used. The source of data for the indicator was the European Fund for the Development of Rural Areas in Poland (FEFRWP). The spatial scope of the research covers rural areas in Poland, defined according to the nomenclature of the Central Statistical Office on the basis of administrative criteria, as rural and urban-rural municipalities. The study covers 2172 rural and urban-rural municipalities, including 207 municipalities in Wielkopolskie Voivodeship. The empirical analysis was carried out at the NUTS 5 level.
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