Area structure of organic farms in Poland – condition, changes, spatial diversity
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organic farming
area structure
spatial diversity

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Wiśniewski, Łukasz, Biczkowski, M., Rudnicki, R., & Wiśniewski, P. (2024). Area structure of organic farms in Poland – condition, changes, spatial diversity. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, 18(69), 55–71.


The aim of the article is to assess the spatial diversity of the area structure of organic farms in Poland at the level of regions and communes, along with identifying the direction and pace of changes in 2012–2021. The basis for the study was data from the General Inspectorate of Trade Quality of Agricultural and Food Products (GIJHARS). Current trends and changes taking place in the size structure of organic farms are presented and described. It was found that their average area was 27.5 ha and varied at the regional level, from less than 15 ha in the province. Lublin, Lesser Poland and Podkarpackie, to over 40 ha in the Lower Silesia, Lubusz, Pomerania and West Pomerania. In the years 2012–2021, the average area of an organic farm in Poland increased by 2 ha (from 25.5 to 27.5 ha; an increase of 7.8 percentage points), i.e. 0.2 ha on average per year. It should be noted that in the same period, the average area of a traditional farm increased by 0.82 ha (from 10.38 to

11.20 ha in 2021; average annual increase – 0.09 ha), which indicates a much more intense growth rate of organic farms.

It was found that the spatial arrangement of the processes of changes in the size structure of organic farms is very similar and constitutes an integral part of the size changes of all farms. However, a significant number of communes in which organic farms started or ended their operations in the organic production system during the period under study may indicate that organic farming is a phenomenon that is still developing its spatial structure. This, in turn, indicates the need for further research and monitoring of spatial phenomena related to organic farming, especially taking into account EU obligations and the increasing importance of this form of agricultural activity.
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