An inhabitant and a user – a critical perspective
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city user
Bilbao Effect

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Nowak, M. (2016). An inhabitant and a user – a critical perspective. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (31), 7–16.


The article explores critical point of view of the two phenomenon indicated postindustrial phase of the urban evolution: “studentification”, and tourist industry (symbolized by the Bilbao/Guggenheim effect). Both exemplify re-valuation of the position of external users of the city which took place in the postmodern urban relations. It turns form the marginal position of “symbolic others” to the position of “significant user” – the one of the main elements of the urban investment policy. The author shows public statistics related to tourism, the “attendance” of students, and the data from the local property market, using interpretations from the literature (D. Smith, P. Hubbard, L. Vicario, M. Martinez). The observable tendencies suggested gentrification more than a revitalization as a result of the developmental factors. Finally the author climes necessity of sustainability of the local urban policy, and reinterpretation of the concept of contemporary metropolis (compare: G. Martinotti) in the light of the crisis situations (since 2008).
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