Tourists in the structure of cities : conflict or coexistence? – Considerations on the basis of city users theory in the two cities
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urban tourism
touristic areas
residents – tourists relations
big city development

How to Cite

Kotus, J. (2015). Tourists in the structure of cities : conflict or coexistence? – Considerations on the basis of city users theory in the two cities. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (31), 33–46.


The main aim of this paper is to discuss the role of tourist in the spatial and social structures of the modern large Polish cities. Following questions were formulated: what areas of activity and ways of activity tourists choose in the city? What image of the city in the minds of tourists remain after leaving? What kind of attitudes have residents the tourists? Is conflict possible between them? Presented results provoke to conclusion that contemporary city is indeed changing under tourist influence. However these changes don’t have to be negative. Tourists entrance to the city can provoke to development of city districts and to improve everyday life of their residents.
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