Comments on Joe Biden's 'Inaugural Speech' as a rhetorical act in the light of classical rhetoric theory
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display rhetoric and deliberative rhetoric
hybrid genre of rhetoric
Aristotelian ethos
rhetorical analysis
space of communication
inaugural speech as a spectacle

How to Cite

Tuszyńska, K. (2021). Comments on Joe Biden’s ’Inaugural Speech’ as a rhetorical act in the light of classical rhetoric theory. Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 21, 335–356.


The article performs an analysis of 46th USA President’s inaugural speech in the spirit of Neo-Aristotelian concepts. The article also contains an analysis of inaugural speech genre, matching Joe Biden’s case as a hybrid, and analyses elocutio and the way the speaker claims the space of communication. The article also refers to Aristotle’s concept of ethos.
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