Modalidades de recepción plautina en los productos dramáticos audiovisuales: recepción directa, mediada y subterránea
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Classical tradition
unconscious or subterranean classical reception
soap opera
quality drama

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Rodríguez, A. M. M. (2023). Modalidades de recepción plautina en los productos dramáticos audiovisuales: recepción directa, mediada y subterránea . Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 33(2), 103–119.

Liczba wyświetleń: 137

Liczba pobrań: 81


This article offers a typology of modalities of reception based on the criteria of activity, (in) mediatedness and awareness, which aims to explain the presence of scenes and motifs with Plautinian parallels in the audiovisual dramatic products of the popular culture of our time: sitcoms, soap operas, quality drama… In some cases, a conscious reception, either direct or mediated, can be recognised. In many others, however, we are faced with possible cases of unconscious mediated reception, in which Plautinian materials, detached from their context and deprived of their authorial pedigree, seem to have become independent ingredients in the melting pot of the Western comic tradition, giving rise, so to speak, to an unconscious and subterranean Plautinian reception.
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