Quemlibet dehortari ne … senectutis vicia desideret. Maximianus’s Elegy on Old Age and a Few Examples of Its Medieval Reception.

Słowa kluczowe

old age in Latin literature
Eugenius of Toledo
Columbanus of Bobbio
Imitatio Maximiani
Maximianus’s echoes in Middle English literature (Le Regret de Maximian
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Pardoner’s Tale)
ms BJ 1954 & BJ 2141
Biblioteka J

Jak cytować

Wasyl, A. M. (2014). Quemlibet dehortari ne … senectutis vicia desideret. Maximianus’s Elegy on Old Age and a Few Examples of Its Medieval Reception. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 24(2), 135–152. https://doi.org/10.14746/sppgl.2014.XXIV.2.9

Liczba wyświetleń: 172

Liczba pobrań: 146


The present paper is devoted to Maximianus, and in particular to the motif of mala senectutis as developed by this late antique (6th cent. A.D.) Latin elegiac poet. After discussing some particularly informative passages, I focus on Maximianus’s interpretations and reinterpretations by Columbanus (543 – 615), Eugenius of Toledo († 657), and the anonymous author of the ninth century Imitatio Maximiani. I also point out his presence in vernacular medieval literature, namely English. Last but not least, I demonstrate how Maximianus’s image of an old man praying to Mother Earth inspired one of medieval scribes copying his text (in ms BJ 2141).


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