The Judgement of Paris as Examined by a Lawyer and a Christian Moralist: Dracontius’ De raptu Helenae

Słowa kluczowe

Late Antiquity
legal language
Latin poetry

Jak cytować

Cichoń, N. (2016). The Judgement of Paris as Examined by a Lawyer and a Christian Moralist: Dracontius’ De raptu Helenae. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 26(1), 157–170.

Liczba wyświetleń: 198

Liczba pobrań: 213


In this paper I examine Dracontius’ poem De raptu Helenae to prove his unconventionality and originality in
presenting a well-known myth. He analyses the story of the judgement of Paris from the legal point of view
using professional, legal vocabulary. At the same time he takes into account also the moral and Christian dilemmas
and thereby he finds completely new aspects and interpretations, ignored by previous poets.



Blossius Aemilius Dracontius, OEuvres, t. I, ed. by C. Moussy et C. Camus, Paris 1985.

Blossius Aemilius Dracontius, OEuvres, t. III, ed. by J. Bouquet et É. Wolff, Paris 1996.

Opracowania i komentarze

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