About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Although Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae, founded in 1973, was initially conceived as a scholarly journal intended for Polish researchers, its present scope has been extended to international contributions. For this purpose, the Editorial Board and Scientific Board of Symbolae comprises Polish and international members alike. With a view to reaching out to international readership, we publish articles, as well as abstracts to articles in Polish, in many languages. The Library and Department of Classical Philology are also engaged in international exchange programmes. We welcome articles focusing on classical studies broadly conceived, such as the literature of ancient Greece and Rome, history of antiquity, reception of ancient culture across various historical periods, as well as the literature of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque period in Latin and Polish. The primary purpose of the journal is to provide a lively venue for the exchange of scholarly ideas on the issues pertaining to the antiquity from various academic perspectives. We also offer translations of selected works in Latin and Greek with commentaries.

We keenly welcome diverse research perspectives to the issues in question, such as comparative studies and new approaches to interpreting the works and culture of antiquity. Amongst our contributors are both experienced scholars and younger researchers. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae is a biannual journal. To ensure the highest quality of publications, the articles are peer revied, with the average rejection rate of submitted papers amounting to 30%. With the intention of extending the scope of collaboration, 30% of articles on average are authored by international contributors.  

The official website of our journal:  https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/sppgl


We peer review submitted articles in keeping with the official guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland editorial policies as specified in the guide on good publication practice and reviewing procedures recommended by the Ministry.

By submitting their articles, contributors accept the reviewing procedures and publishing guidelines of Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium.

Reviewing and accepting articles for publication in Symbolae

1. Articles are submitted to the editorial board for approval prior to the external peer review process.
2. Every article is reviewed by one Polish or international reviewer who is not associated with the author’s home research institution. The expertise of the selected reviewer is compatible with the research topic of the reviewed article.
3. Articles are reviewed anonymously, in keeping with the double-blind review process, which implies that the identity of the author is concealed from the reviewer and vice versa.
4. The full list of reviewers is available on the official website of the journal and updated yearly.
5. The review is composed in writing in accordance with the official review form. The content of the review will be confidentially disclosed to the editorial board and the author (the author’s section of the review) following the completion of the reviewing process. The reviewer chooses one of the following options: unconditional acceptance, conditional acceptance, rejection of the article.
6. The reviewer’s form is available for download on the journal’s website.
7. After the reviewing process, the editorial board recommends the article for publication or rejection.
8. The articles recommended for publication must not contravene the principles of research ethics. The editorial board of Symbolae considers the practices of ghostwriting and guest authorship as dishonest and unacceptable. Submissions containing copied material without the acknowledgement of the author, are quoted inappropriately or plagiarised will be rejected. In the event of the infringement of copyright and ethical research conduct, the editorial board will inform the author’s home institution about the misconduct.
9. The author will be notified by the editors about the submission of the article to the reviewer within one month following the article submission. The article will be reviewed within three months following the above notification (unless extraordinary circumstances intervene).

Reviewer’s form

Open Access Policy

We strongly encourage the authors of articles published in our journal to submit their articles (the final and accepted version of the article) to open access sites by providing the link to the article available on our website as well as the DOI reference number of the article.

The journal doesn't have article submission charges.


Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae is a scholarly journal of literature and literary theory published by the Department of Classical Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University. The journal offers original scholarly articles, reviews, and translations with commentaries. Founded in 1973 by the prominent classical scholar Professor Jan Wikarjak, the journal seeks to foster debate on the current issues around classical antiquity and later Latin culture, also from an interdisciplinary perspective. The journal is reviewed and edited by the Editorial Board and Scientific Board, both comprising prominent Polish and international scholars. The editors, who act in cooperation with the Scientific Board, make a preliminary selection and assessment of articles submitted for publication. If the article meets the required standards of language and methodology, it is submitted for further consideration. If the editorial board considers the article unsuitable for publication on the grounds mentioned above, the article will be rejected and will not be submitted for the peer-review process. The author is notified about the desk rejection in writing. If the submitted material meets the specified requirements, it is submitted to an external reviewer for review. The reviewing process is confidential. The articles are subject to the double-blind review process. The author is notified about the preliminary assessment of the article and the reviewer’s recommendation (including the content of the review). In the process of editorial assessment and peer review, the articles are assessed on the basis of their scholarly value and contribution to the field of research. Personal or other aspects are irrelevant in the process of assessment and review. The full content of the review, with the exception of the identity of the reviewer, will be disclosed to the author. To ensure the highest quality and originality of published papers, the journal intends to implement the CrossCheck assessment system.  

Guiding principles for ethical research for authors

The party responsible for the quality and originality of the material submitted for publication is the author. All forms of ethical misconduct and plagiarism (uncited quotations, unacknowledged authorship, undisclosed information about research funding) will result in an automatic rejection. If the above ethical issues are detected after the publication of the article, the editorial board will publish a formal statement about the details of the author’s misconduct in the following issue of the journal. The author should declare that the submitted material has not been previously published elsewhere in the form submitted for publication in the journal. If the article is a revised or modified version of a previously published material, the author has the responsibility to notify the editorial board about this upon the submission. If recommended for publication, the article will include a note containing the bibliographical reference to the original source. The editorial board firmly opposes malpractice in research, such as ghostwriting and guest authorship (honorary authorship). The infringement of ethical practices will be documented and publicly disclosed by the editorial board.

The ethics of the reviewing process

The reviewing process is organised in keeping with the official guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland editorial policies as specified in the guide on good publication practice and reviewing procedures guidelines recommended by the Ministry. In the event of the suspicion of the conflict of interests (if the author and reviewer are related or otherwise associated) the intended reviewer will not be appointed for the reviewing process. Both the editorial board and the reviewers are obliged to report the possibility of the conflict of interests prior to the appointment of the reviewer.  

The reviewer is obliged to make an expert assessment of the submitted article. The review should be impersonal and unbiased. The review must respond to the questions included in the reviewer’s form (the editorial board provides the reviewer with the form). To facilitate this process, the form is available for download on the journal’s website. The reviewer must make a clear statement about the acceptance (conditional or unconditional) or rejection of the submitted article. In the event of controversial or unfair reviews, the editors reserve the right to submit the article to the second independent reviewer or a member of the Scientific Board who is an expert in the subject in question. The second expert’s opinion will be considered by the editorial board as decisive. The dated and signed reviews are archived electronically.


The reviewers collaborating with the journal in the period of 2015-2019:

Katarzyna Balbuza (Poznań, Poland)
Piotr Bering (Poznań, Poland)
Barbara Bibik (Toruń, Poland)
Corinne Bonnet (Toulouse, France)
Sebastian Borowicz (Kraków, Poland)
Agnieszka Borysowska (Szczecin, Poland)
Elwira Buszewicz (Kraków, Poland)
Maria Chantry (Kraków, Poland)
Stelios Chronopoulos (Freiburg, Germany)
Jadwiga Czerwińska (Łódź, Poland)
Zbigniew Danek (Łódź, Poland)
Sylwester Dworacki (Poznań, Poland)
Janina Gajda-Krynicka (Wrocław, Poland)
Zofia Głombiowska (Gdańsk, Poland)
Alfons Gregori i Gomis (Poznań, Poland)
Steven Green (London, United Kingdom)
Philip Hardie (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Barbara Hartleb-Kropidło (Wrocław, Poland)
Marek Hermann (Kraków, Poland)
Joanna Janik (Kraków, Poland)
Maciej Kokoszko (Łódź, Poland)
Przemysław Kordos (Warszawa, Poland)
Kazimierz Korus (Kraków, Poland)
Grzegorz Kotłowski (Gdańsk, Poland)
Anna Maria Lasek (Poznań, Poland)
Giuseppe Ledda (Bologna, Italy)
Agnieszka Lew (Warszawa, Poland)
Ignacy Lewandowski (Poznań, Poland)
Katarzyna Marciniak (Warszawa, Poland)
Maria Marcinkowska-Rosół (Poznań, Poland)
Maria Maślanka-Soro (Kraków, Poland)
Mieczysław Mejor (Warszawa, Poland)
Katarzyna Meller (Poznań, Poland)
Ireneusz Mikołajczyk (Toruń, Poland)
Barbara Milewska-Waźbińska (Warszawa, Poland)
Krzysztof Morta (Wrocław, Poland)
Przemysław Nehring (Toruń, Poland)
Wiesław Pawlak (Lubelin, Poland)
Radosław Piętka (Poznań, Poland)
Dariusz Piwowarczyk (Kraków, Poland)
Tomasz Pokrzywniak (Poznań, Poland)
Wawrzyniec Popiel-Machnicki (Poznań, Poland)
Grzegorz Raubo (Poznań, Poland)
Joanna Rostropowicz (Opole, Poland)
Michał Rzepiela (Kraków, Poland)
Krzysztof Rzepkowski (Warszawa, Poland)
Tomasz Sapota (Katowice, Poland)
Gerson Schade (Berlin, Germany)
Ewa Skwara (Poznań, Poland)
Kurt Smolak (Wien, Austria)
Wojciech Sowa (Wrocław, Poland)
Lucyna Stankiewicz (Gdańsk, Poland)
Mateusz Stróżyński (Poznań, Poland)
Teresa Szostek (Wrocław, Poland)
Olga Śmiechowicz (Kraków, Poland)
Grażyna Urban-Godziek (Kraków, Poland)
Anna Maria Wasyl (Kraków, Poland)
Hubert Wolanin (Kraków, Poland)
Rafał Wójcik (Poznań, Poland)
Justyna Zaborowska-Musiał (Poznań, Poland)
Karol Zieliński (Wrocław, Poland)
Alexia Zotou (Aθήνα, Greece)