A Didactic Poem by Marcellus of Side on the Healing Value of Sea Fishes
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ancient medicine
dactylic hexameter
didactic poetry
Greek ichtyonymy
kinds of fish
Marcellus of Side
Mediterranean Sea
sea animals

How to Cite

Tadajczyk, K. (2021). A Didactic Poem by Marcellus of Side on the Healing Value of Sea Fishes. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 31(2), 27–42. https://doi.org/10.14746/sppgl.2021.XXXI.2.5

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The article describes a preserved poetic fragment commonly called De piscibus, written by Marcellus of Side. He was a physician and a renowned epic poet, who lived in the town of Side (Pamphylia) in the second century AD. In the analyzed fragment (v. 41–101), being an extract from his didactic epos entitled Cheironides, Marcellus of Side presents a number of remedies prepared from some marine animals, especially fishes, living in the Mediterranean Sea.

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