TEOLOGIA POLITYCZNA CYCERONA (Cicero’s civil theology)
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civil theology
Roman religion
Varro’s theologia tripartita

How to Cite

Chlewicka, A. (2015). TEOLOGIA POLITYCZNA CYCERONA (Cicero’s civil theology). Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 25(1), 33–54. https://doi.org/10.14746/sppgl.2015.XXV.1.3


The purpose of the paper is to present civil theology of Cicero in the light of Varro’s tripartite view of theology (mythical, natural, civil). The author examines certain excerpts from Cicero’s philosophical works, particularly The Republic and The Laws, in which this politic and philosopher presents his concept of civile theology as the traditional religion of the Romans influenced by natural theology.
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