Oare este posibilă flaneuza? Femininul și spațiul modernității în O fată se plimbă pe stradă de Sorana Gurian
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women’s literature
romanian literature

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Krupa, T. (2023). Oare este posibilă flaneuza? Femininul și spațiul modernității în O fată se plimbă pe stradă de Sorana Gurian. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 50(4), 109–120. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2023.50.4.8


Sorana Gurian’s writing records the impossibility of a discourse of one’s own and unmasks the misogyny inherent in modernity. The Romanian short story O fată se plimbă pe stradă [A girl walks in the street] (1939) offers the author an opportunity to discuss the figure of the flâneuse, who, in its relations to modernity, public space or gender, seems to diagnose the condition of women within a modernising culture. The presence of these women in the text remains closely linked to their corporeality, constantly questioned and constrained by a hostile society. This is all the more visible in the case of a young girl with mobility disabilities: a close reading highlights the narrative function of walking, a physical activity that gives a temporal and rhythmic framework to the text.

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