La construction identitaire de propriétaires des animaux de compagnie dans le discours commémoratif numérique français
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companion animals
commemorative discourse

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Bryja, M. (2024). La construction identitaire de propriétaires des animaux de compagnie dans le discours commémoratif numérique français. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 51(1), 23–35.


The aim of this article is to analyse the identity construction of companion animal owners in French digital commemorative discourse. The study is based on homages to animals published on the website   of the French pro-animal organization 30 millions d’amis. The issue is being examined in relation to the speaking legitimacy of the subject and to the communication situation, which leads to the distinction of two fundamental components of their identity construction: intimate identity and situation of mourning. The study underlines community character of the commemorative discourse devoted to animals, its high level of pathemization and presence of attitudes of engagement and dramatization.
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