La construction discursive de l’identité collective. Le cas des formules : au nom de la Rzeczpospolita et au nom de la Pologne
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collective identity
political discourse

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Dyoniziak, J., & Pirogowska, E. (2024). La construction discursive de l’identité collective. Le cas des formules : au nom de la Rzeczpospolita et au nom de la Pologne. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 51(1), 49–63.


The article attempts to analyze the discourse formulas: on behalf of Rzeczypospolita and on behalf of Poland in the speeches of the presidents of the Third Polish Republic (1995-2023). The aim is to describe the potential of these formulas in the context of constructing the collective identity. The authors continue the debate undertaken in the previous publication (Dyoniziak & Pirogowska, 2023) and show on the basis of 1000 presidential speeches written on that the proper name Rzeczpospolita has greater identity potential than the name Polska in creating a national community.
PDF (Français (France))


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