Entre internacionalização e esquecimento: o fenómeno do Fado e da Copla andaluza durante a ditadura
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Fado Music
Copla andaluza

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Pielacińska, N. (2013). Entre internacionalização e esquecimento: o fenómeno do Fado e da Copla andaluza durante a ditadura. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 40(1), 29–41. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2013.401.003


The main objective of the article is to analyze the socio-political situation and the other factors determining the development of music types such as Fado and Copla during the dictatorship times in Spain and Portugal. These genres were used for the political and propaganda purposes. Many artists like for example Lola Flores or Amália Rodrigues have become famous exactly during the regime times, however, their real success can be measured with the arrival of democracy. Copla which represents the image of Franco’s Spain has been replaced by some new music genres and it has never been reborn as it had happened in the case of Fado. This Portuguese music genre was a subject of changes starting from 60’s. Significant modifications have been done in both: lyrics and accompaniment; Fado survived the anti-Fado period (1974-1975) and from the 90’s until present experiences an ongoing rebirth. Studies on Fado’s and Copla’s popularity may also prove to be crucial in understanding the phenomenon of transculturalism. All the factors that boosted the process of internationalization of this music in the twenty-first century should become an object of a multifaceted analysis.
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