Les principes de la description syntagmatique des constructions fondées sur la présence des expressions symétriques
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Semantically based grammar
Syntactic modeling of sentences
Symmetric expressions

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Nkollo, M. (2007). Les principes de la description syntagmatique des constructions fondées sur la présence des expressions symétriques. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 34, 83–99. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2007.34.006


Structural modeling of sentences based on symmetric expressions has to be designed so as to take into account the diversity of syntactic functions covered by this class of language signs. It implies taking into consideration particular features of symmetric predicates depending on the part of speech they represent. Fundamental methodological assumptions of this approach are to be sought in so-called "semantically based grammar".
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