Aspects of the interface syntax/semantics: a case of the complexity verbs Autor: Bazenga, Aline
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Bazenga, A. (2004). Aspects of the interface syntax/semantics: a case of the complexity verbs Autor: Bazenga, Aline. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 31, 155–165.


The /complexity/ feature (Blanche-Benveniste et al. 1987) incorporates a class of French verbs known as 'symmetric' verbs (rivaliser, cohabiter), 'reciprocal' verbs (s'entraider) without, however, being restricted solely to those classes (cf. grouiller, amonceler, succéder, grouper, etc.). This feature induces a 'plural' reading of the entity formed by the verbal lexeme and the syntactic positions it creates. In this paper, we intend to put forward a new descriptive format for such verbs, using the notion of 'verbs operators' (cf. Bach et al. 1995) and based on a combination of lexical, syntactic and semantic criteria (derivational affixes, Prep-Constructions, Se- Constructions, Coordination).
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