Approach to the Transitivity in Nahuatl of Tlaxcala
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Fernández Jiménez, A. (2004). Approach to the Transitivity in Nahuatl of Tlaxcala. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 31, 239–246.


In this paper I explore transitivization in Náhuatl, a language spoken in Tlaxcala, México. I follow Hopper and Thompson's proposition of graduate transitivity from a typological point of view. I analyse the grades of transitivity of perfective/imperfective clauses. From the inherent lexic aspect (Foley and Van Valin, 1984) I will analyze the opposition of generic vs. defined referent in a clause.
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Foley, W. y Van Yalin, R. (1984), Functional syntax and universal grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Hopper, P. J. y Thompson, S. A. (1980), Transitivity in Grammar and diicourse, Language No. 56/2, 251-299.