Semantic introduction to the grammar of the verbs 'ponerse' and 'quedarse'
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Morimoto, Y., & Pavón Lucero, V. (2004). Semantic introduction to the grammar of the verbs ’ponerse’ and ’quedarse’. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 31, 385–392.


Our purpose here is to explain the semantic differences between the Spanish pseudo-copular verbs ponerse and quedarse, which both express a change of state. We will distinguish two different constructions with quedarse: 1. with predicates like atónito, de piedra, etc. which express a punctual inchoative event; 2. with predicates like calvo, sin fuerzas, etc. which express a punctual event that delimits the end of a gradual change of state. The verb ponerse denotes a punctual or gradual inchoative event. These aspectual differences lead to different combination properties of these verbs, (i.e., {*ponerse/quedarse} delgado vs. (ponerse/*quedarse} gordo).
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