Battling with banality: "L'instant érotique" collection
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erotic fiction
sociology of literature
literature and new media

How to Cite

Swoboda, T. (2013). Battling with banality: "L’instant érotique" collection. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 40(4), 57–65.


The paper discusses contemporary condition of French erotic or/and pornographic novel. As social and cultural circumstances seem to put an end to its transgressive potential, the authors of this kind of writing tried, at first, to keep abreast of other media. Nevertheless, the “trash” or “grunge” novel as well as autofictional erotic writings were not able to satisfy the critics. The novels from L’instant erotique collection, written by specialists of erotic art, change the strategy and exploit the new state of cultural relations in which the role of this sort of literature is rather to imitate or to play with erotic or pornographic tradition, creating a new model of reception: very conscious and erudite.
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