Lusophony – among myth, history and future
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portuguese myths

How to Cite

Charchalis, W. (2019). Lusophony – among myth, history and future. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 46(3), 95–104.


The paper discuss the problem of lusophony as a poscolonial neoimperial Portuguese ideology. The author claims that the lusophonic mythology, that is currently being created, is ingrained in the tradition of salazarist propaganda. Also the frequent mentions of lusotropicalism in the context of the modern lusophony is observed especially in the case of enunciations of the Portuguese dignitaries of whom Mario Soares is the most proeminent. The conclusion is that the idea of lusophony may resemble lusotropicalism in many aspects, especially if we take into account the Portuguese point of view. Also the approach towards the idea of lusophony of the Portuguese speaking African countries and Brasil is shortly discussed.
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