Clarice Lispector’s messianic cryptotheology in the face of the 21st century’s crisis. Analysis of the chronicle “Mineirinho”
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Clarice Lispector
Giorgio Agamben
Brazilian literature

How to Cite

Sawala, W. (2019). Clarice Lispector’s messianic cryptotheology in the face of the 21st century’s crisis. Analysis of the chronicle “Mineirinho”. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 46(3), 45–62.


The article is aimed at pointing out the messianic dimension of Clarice Lispector’s writings. We intend to describe the post-secular vision of the collective redemption embedded in her work as essentially opposed to the vulgarized notion of political messianism. Its core element is the establishment of a new kind of justice, one that would overcome the essential hypocrisy deeply rooted in the ontological system based on individual identities. Giorgio Agamben’s and Agata Bielik-Robson’s ideas are evoked in order to analyze the meaning of the chronicle “Mineirinho” (1962) and its relations with other canonic texts by the Brazilian author.
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