The gift in the poetry of Eugenio Montale
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Montale's poetry

How to Cite

Malicka, P. (2010). The gift in the poetry of Eugenio Montale. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 37(1), 117–129.


The purpose of this article is to present a new interpretation of Eugenio Montale’s early poems from the perspective of the gift theory which, ever since the publication of Bronisław Malinowski’s Argonauts of the Western Pacific and Marcel Mauss’s anthropological study Essai sur le don, has become one of the most fruitful interdisciplinary conversations among anthropologists, philosophers, scholars and economists. The paper is focused on the genesis of gift in Montale which coincides, in a certain way, with Heidegger’s concept of Dasein thrown into the world which has alredy been given to it. The analysis of different passages from Mediterraneo session will then appear as a new interpretative horizon of Montale’s poetry governed by the immense power of gift that interacts within the triadic relation: refuse – receive – repay.
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