In the search of the form and sense of quasi-linguistic and sylinguistic gestures in the French Italian and Polish communication
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linguistic signs
expressive gestures

How to Cite

Szarota, B. (2010). In the search of the form and sense of quasi-linguistic and sylinguistic gestures in the French Italian and Polish communication. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 37(2), 85–93.


The present paper is an attempt supplying proofs that gestural signs are almost like standard linguistic signs. It is claimed that language gestures exhibit numerous properties of classical linguistic signs conceived of as in the works of de Saussure. The dividing line between the two pertains, in essence, to the type of motivation between the signifier and the signified, found within gestural, but not linguistic signs. There is a conspicuous connection between the two aspects of the sign within various kinds of gestures, including volitional ones (most akin to speech acts or „la parole” of the Saussure) as well as within those which are not performed on purpose (called „sylinguistic” gestures).
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