The Inverse Flower, la flors enversa, the Flower in Verse
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Raimbaut d’Orange
flors enversa
inverse flower
flower in verse
trobar ric

How to Cite

Manzari, F. . (2021). The Inverse Flower, la flors enversa, the Flower in Verse. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 48(1), 17–32.


The article is a reading/interpretation of Raimbaut d’Aurenga’s La flors enversa. The co-presence of winter and spring in the canso’s coblas is the point of departure of an investigation of the meaning of the adjective enversa. It is also an analysis of the devices by which the troubadour links the distance between winter and poetry, and the one between the trobar and its inverse.
PDF (Français (France))


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