Game of personal poles in green advertising in French and Polish
PDF (Français (France))


green advertising
imperative mode
personal pronouns

How to Cite

Hajok, A., & Miladi, L. (2024). Game of personal poles in green advertising in French and Polish. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 51(1), 65–81.


Green advertising encourages the public to adopt ecoresponsible behaviour in view of the deterioration of the environment. Thus, to involve everyone personally or collectively, it uses the imperative mode and deictics. The aim of this study is to highlight the main themes conveyed in green advertising in France and Poland, and also to show the interplay of personal poles in imperative slogans that become rallying phrases for the green cause. Polish makes general use of the imperative in the 2nd person singular, whereas French makes extensive use of the 2nd person plural. In both languages, the use of the 1st person plural is frequent, often accompanied by an adverb ensemble (razem) to emphasise the collective involvement in adopting eco-responsible actions.
PDF (Français (France))


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