Nazism in the light of recent Spanish American novels
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Spanish American contemporary fiction
20-21th century novel
Roberto Bolaño

How to Cite

Pluta, N. (2013). Nazism in the light of recent Spanish American novels. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 40(2), 75–89.


The exchange of ideas and cultural influences between postcolonial countries of both Americas and the mother countries, has never been limited to one-sided imitation of European patterns. Since the 21th century or even since the colonial period, European theories rooted locally giving original fruits (i.e. magical realism, the Latin American version of world’s primitivisme from the first half of the 20th century). Within the broadly defined transatlantic studies, the particular aim of this paper is to explore motives related to fascism and nazism present in the modern Spanish American prose (Roberto Bolaño, Ignacio Padilla, Jorge Volpi). Firstly, I draw the cultural context in which racist and esoteric ideas of renewing the world infiltrated to Latin America. In the second part I analyse ways to adapt fascist plots in modern novels. Among them the predominating tendencies are to parody the totalitarian ideas or to see them as an incarnation of the intangible evil.
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