Adaptation strategies of Cornelian tragedies in the classical movement in Poland (18th and 19th century)
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theatrical translation
Pierre Corneille
Polish Enlightenment

How to Cite

Bajer, M. (2014). Adaptation strategies of Cornelian tragedies in the classical movement in Poland (18th and 19th century). Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 41(2), 125–139.


The study discusses general rules of transforming Pierre Corneille’s texts in the transposition process, so as to fit the linguistic and cultural context of Polish classicism. The analysis concerns translations and adaptations following the first reception period of Corneille’s works in seventeenth-century Poland. These include: “Otto” by Stanisław Konarski, “Herakliusz” by Tomasz Aleksandrowicz from the years 1744-1749 (the second Polish reception period of Corneille’s works), “Cynna” by Franciszek Godlewski, as well as “Cynna” and “Horacjusze” by Ludwik Osiński from the years 1802-1808 (the third reception period). In the 18th century, the strategy of emphasizing didactic elements of texts is dominant. In 19th century, the authors strengthen suspense and the element of surprise; Aleksandrowicz uses prose and Osiński simplifies classical rhetoric. All of the translators share the ambition of enriching the Polish language and creating the tragic canon.
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Textes littéraires analysés:

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CORNEILLE, P., KONARSKI, S. (1744): Otto tragedja, w Warszawie In Collegio Privato Nobilium Scholaru Piarum, roku 1744 we Dni Zapustne reprezentowana. Warszawa.

CORNEILLE, P., OSIŃSKI, L. (1978): Cynna albo Łaskawość Augusta. In : Corneille, Racine. Tragedie. Warszawa : Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.

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SOGRAFI, A.S. (1797): Gli Orazi e i Curiazi, tragedia per musica. Vienna.

VOLTAIRE. (1974): Commentaires sur Corneille. In : D. Williams (éd.). Les oeuvres complètes de Voltaire. The complete works of Voltaire, vol. 53-55. Oxford : The Voltaire Foundation

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