Sound images as elements enhancing creativity and the speaking skill in a foreign language
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sound images
speaking skill

How to Cite

Gajos, M. (2014). Sound images as elements enhancing creativity and the speaking skill in a foreign language. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 41(3), 33–45.


To develop communicative competence in L2 does the learner need to have the knowledge of linguistic resources, but also of other factors shaping the situational context in which the act of communication is taking place. The elements bearing directly on effi ciency on information exchange comprise all kinds of noises and sound images which make up a signifi cant part of the broadly conceived communicative context. The present paper aims to raise the question of how the use of sound images in the process of foreign language learning/teaching should be made. Among other issues, it addresses the usefulness of various sounds and noises in stimulating learners’ imagination, creativity and skills, as well as in enhancing spoken output in L2.
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Sources Électroniques

Pages web avec les images sonores

Source électronique 1 : Consulté le 12 mai 2014.

Source électronique 2 : Consulté le 12 mai 2014