Poles in Sicily in the period of communist regim – memories, ‘reportages’ and trip reports
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Poles in Sicily
communist regim – memories
trip reports

How to Cite

Tylusińska-Kowalska, A. (2014). Poles in Sicily in the period of communist regim – memories, ‘reportages’ and trip reports. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 41(4), 77–89. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop2014.414.007


The article is focused on accounts of journeys in Sicily performed by Polish columnists and historians in the period of 1949-1989. In other words it embraces almost half century of history of Poland that went through one of the most difficult moments in its days. Lack of freedom of expression, lack of freedom of movement throughout Europe resulted in a situation that only few could travel by establishing positive relationships with the communist authorities. Descriptions of Sicily from that period published by both writers (Marian Brandys, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz) and historians (Joanna Olkiewicz), as well as publicists (Waldemar Łysiak, Marian Kałuża) present the island in a biased and shallow way. Beside Iwaszkiewicz book, which at times evokes Krasiński journals, we can deal with accounts focused on widely criticized political and economic situation. Thanks to those descriptions Polish readers, during the regime, could have consolidated their belief as to the poor life conditions in the West (particularly in Sicily). What is more there would be nothing to regret if they weren’t able to reach those destinations. It constitutes a radical difference with the way of depicting Sicily in XVIII and XIX century by Polish travelers. Then the island was presented in poetic and colorful way, and the descriptions were really encouraging to travel.
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