Historical memory and fantastic effect in Jesús Moncada’s short stories
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Contemporary Catalan literature
fantastic short stories
Jesús Moncada
historical memory
collective memory

How to Cite

Gregori, A. (2017). Historical memory and fantastic effect in Jesús Moncada’s short stories. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 44(1), 37–50. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2017.441.003


The main aim of this article is to analyse the complexity of the subject of memory in the work of Jesus Moncada, as an author from Aragon writing in Catalan and introducing the Spanish Civil War issue in fantastic fiction, namely in Històries de la mà esquerra [Stories of the Left Hand] (1981). Furthermore, the short story that closes the book, “D’uns vells papers de música” [Old Sheet Music], is discussed to illustrate that matter in the context of the conflict between the real and the fantastic, on the one hand, and between history and memory, on the other hand. Thus, in the mentioned narrative fiction collective memory stands as a specter whose condition is noticed by its anachronistic return under grotesque forms, resulting from the horror facing death or the unreal, and from the irony interwoven by the narrator. In doing so Moncada problematizes any attempt to reconstruct historical memory based on literature.
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