Spatial organization of semilinguistic (emblems) gestures in Italian and Polish communication
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Semilinguistic (emblems) gestures
Italian and Polish communication
Spatial organization

How to Cite

Szarota, B. (2007). Spatial organization of semilinguistic (emblems) gestures in Italian and Polish communication. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 34, 107–117.


The term o f rhetoric has known several senses since its foundation as techne o f persuasion by Aristote. This paper presents the historical reasons o f limitation o f the first rhetorical project into the scholar treaties in n ^ - l i ) 111 centuries. The next question is to explain the revival o f rhetorical tradition with Chaim Perelman Olbrechts-Tyteca Traite de ¡’argumentation focused on the theory o f argumentation and the French “nouvelle critique” focused on linguistics and stylistics. The key-term for both linguistic and philosophic approach o f new rhetoric is a figure o f speech. The author tries to find out if the modern reunified vision o f rhetoric is possible and suitable.
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