The phenomenon of the calque of the French prefixal derivates in Polish "euro-language"
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calqued translation
French into Polish translation

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Trajder, W. (2007). The phenomenon of the calque of the French prefixal derivates in Polish "euro-language". Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 34, 137–150.


This paper intends to study the phenomenon of calqued translation from French into Polish "euro-language". Its main part is focused on different derivation products, in particular: created in the process of prefixation and pseudo-prefixation (called also: telescoped wordsformation) French EU-terms and their Polish translations. The formal and semantic analysis allows to distinguish their lexicogenic structure differences and some categories of calqued translation procedure. The main purpose is to show how the morphological calque functions in contact of two families of different (Roman and Slavic) languages. However, as important for EU-affairs, some English and German equivalent terms are also added, in order to foreground the universality of calque procedure in the principal EUworking languages word-formation.
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