The polemist Eugene Ionescu in "NO" and his longing for the center
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Cofan, A. (2005). The polemist Eugene Ionescu in "NO" and his longing for the center. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 32, 113–122.


Our analytic research proposes an exegesis of young Eugene lonescu's polemic pages in his tome of critique published in Romanian in 1934. Our analytic perspective will consider the meaning of aesthetic values in literature and critique in order to impose a minoritary culture on a universal level. The critical nihilism in NO comes as a result of the pressure of the author's longing for the recognition of true cultural values; a pressure which cannot accept any compromise. Eugene Ionescu is a Robespierre of inter-war Romanian critique, who wanted, through a combative critique, to open a way for the Romanian culture towards the center of European culture.
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