On Certain Aspects of the Crisis of Heroic Values in the Music Tragedies of Philippe Quinault
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How to Cite

Bajer, M. (2004). On Certain Aspects of the Crisis of Heroic Values in the Music Tragedies of Philippe Quinault. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 31, 3–22. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2004.31.001


The French music tragedy, created in the 70. of the 17th century, may be considered against a background of the tradition of the heroic literature of the first half of the century. However, the appearance of opera coincides with a general crisis of consciousness and one of the features of the crisis was the fall of the heroic myth. The aim of the dissertation is to take a closer look at the mechanisms of destruction of the hero, used in Philippe Quinault's music tragedies. Opera gradually eliminates the traditional vision of love, replacing it with the conception of a devastating passion. In taking the pattern of the hero's choice, appropriate for the heroic vision, it changes the configuration of accents by creating the type of the "pathological hero".

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