Bibliometrics and scientometrics in applied linguistics: Epilogue to the special issue
Journal cover Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, volume 13, no. 4, year 2023, title Special issue: Introducing bibliometrics in applied linguistics


applied linguistics
second language learning

How to Cite

Aryadoust, V. (2023). Bibliometrics and scientometrics in applied linguistics: Epilogue to the special issue. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 13(4), 925–933.

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In this paper, I first discuss the field of bibliometrics, which is a quantitative approach to analyzing scholarly publications, and its subfield, scientometrics, which focuses exclusively on scientific literature. I argue that the use of bibliometric methods has been growing in applied linguistics in recent years, and explore the common features between bibliometrics and scientometrics. I will then review the papers published in the special issue on bibliometrics in applied linguistics, which features nine papers on various bibliometric topics. I conclude with suggestions for future research in the field, including the development of scales for measuring perceived prestige, investigation of indicators of influence and a predictive theory for impact of second language (L2) research, and further investigation into the imbalance in the representation of authors based in different parts of the world.


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