Парадигматика и синтагматика видовременных форм русского глагола
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Słowa kluczowe

natural grammar
system of aspectual-temporal forms
standard and non-standard contexts

Jak cytować

Klimonov, V. (2020). Парадигматика и синтагматика видовременных форм русского глагола. Studia Rossica Posnaniensia, 45(1), 155–162. https://doi.org/10.14746/strp.2020.45.1.14

Liczba wyświetleń: 226

Liczba pobrań: 240


This paper addresses the following topics within the framework of natural grammar: On the paradigmatic level of the analysis (The Part titled “Semantics of aspectual-temporal forms of Russian verb”), the temporal and aspectual meanings of each aspectual-temporal form contained in the system of Russian aspectual-temporal forms are determined. On the syntagmatic level of the analysis (The Part titled “Pragmatics of aspectual-temporal forms in Russian”), the use of aspectual-temporal forms in standard and non-standard contexts is investigated as exemplified by performative verbs in the perfective future.

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